Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How deeply buried in your soul is your PURPOSE?

How deeply buried in your soul is your purpose? Is it buried so deep that it is almost invisible?

4 roadblocks to your purpose-

  1. You have been told since you were a kid that achieving your life’s dream was impossible.
  2. You have been conditioned with fear. A fear to let go of what is safe. Somehow we have all become attached to our misery and mediocrity.
  3. Feeling that we are not worthy of success and feeling guilt when we taste success.
  4. Fear of chasing what we really want because if we don't achieve it, we've run out of excuses.

I ask you this question with sincerity and compassion. Are you afraid to tell the world what you really want to be and what you really want to do with your life? I was, not anymore!! It’s not too late to chase your dreams. Recent research says that the human body is capable of living a healthy life all the way to age 114.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the same line of thought...
Who would even consider what recent research says about how long you can live a healthy life.

This is arbritary and capricious.

We can live as long healthy for as long as we believe.

See the light!

"It's not what you are that holds you back. It's what you think you're not."