Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Your perception is creating your world!
Posted by iEvolution at 5:29 AM 4 comments Labels: iThought, The secret
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Law of Attraction
Posted by iEvolution at 9:11 AM 1 comments Labels: iThought, Purpose driven, The secret
Friday, May 18, 2007
Living Brands: Collaboration + Innovation = Customer Fascination
Marketing maven and a truly gifted person, Raymond Nadeau, reveals a Brand-New Approach to marketing and brand-building – consumer empowerment. "This book is about marketing. And this marketing lifestyle story always begins and ends with the integration of real lives and the role and successful establishment of brands within those real lives. Lives first, lifestyles second. Becoming a legitimate part of people's lives is the new minimum price of brand entry and is the only method for a brand's sustained longevity."
Many marketers preach this message of consumer empowerment, yet very few ever provide the know-how to truly become an integral part of your consumer's lives. Raymond leverages the collective wisdom of the brightest minds in the industry to reveal a six step blueprint for engaging consumers and creating brands that truly fascinate your customers. This is an amazing book full of expert insights and one that will inspire you to stretch your mind as you reach for the stars.
Posted by iEvolution at 5:57 AM 1 comments Labels: Books and Articles Review, Cool stuff
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Day 4 of Freedom: Live Effortlessly
It goes back to inspiration- inspiration is when an idea gets a hold of you and things manifest effortlessly. Motivation is the opposite. People tend to get motivated to do things because they use force and power to try and get things done. They try and bull doze their way through resistance because they see themselves as separate from everything else. You are separate from nothing and no one.
How to implement, living effortlessly on Day 4 –
-Let go: Accept that you can create the future, but at this moment be in the stillness and connection of life
-Accept problems with open arms: When you’re thrown a problem, accept it as a miracle that will help you grow—Look at this problem as a sign connecting you to your highest potential—accept problems that come your way.
When someone argues with you, don’t resist and don’t argue back. By surrendering to it, you completely diffuse their ego, and it cannot survive without you resisting it. That is power. That’s effortless.
Posted by iEvolution at 2:11 AM 0 comments Labels: The secret
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The 3rd way on the 3rd day: KARMA
So you might be asking, how can I make that one correct choice in the midst of thousands of choices?
In the midst of thousands of choices, and in the midst of millions of stimuli, and surrounded by a world of billions of people, the answer is synchronicity. Your mind, body, and spirit, is so divine, that you have the ability to task millions of events while simultaneously deciding and creating what you want.
How to implement this on Day 3- Listen to your body and Observe the consequences!
So, the question you might be asking yourself today is, should I get involved in a relationship with this person?
1) Actually ask yourself that question and Listen to your body, your body always knows. When you make your choice, observe that choice as a witness to your thoughts. If your body feels Joy as a result of that choice, the answer is yes. If your body feels despair as a result of your choice, the answer is no.
2) As you observe your choice, you can then imagine the consequences of the choice playing it self out. And when you see the consequences playing themselves out, you can either feel the joy or you can feel the despair of that decision, and then you will know if this is the correct choice.
Take 2 minutes and Do it Now!
Posted by iEvolution at 6:37 AM 0 comments Labels: The secret
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Day 2 of Freedom
Posted by iEvolution at 12:43 AM 2 comments Labels: iThought, The secret
Monday, May 14, 2007
Day 1 of Freedom
During Last Friday’s discussion on ‘The Entire Secret’ I responded to everyone’s thought provoking questions by placing them into a format called 5 days of Freedom. These are five ways in five days this week that you can implement to fulfill your desires. Lets recap Day 1, ‘Live in Spirit’, which you may start today. To some of us being ‘In Spirit’ may seem indefinable or ineffable, nevertheless it is still very real. When we experience this we feel joy, bliss, and invincibility. When we feel this, our ego is no longer our reference point for everything. Here are the 3 steps to ‘Live in Spirit.’
1) Each day you must take time for meditation. It is important that you learn to spend some time alone. To be ‘in spirit’ you must know yourself.
2) Take time to NOT judge others. Get rid of the inner critic. Not judging creates silence in your mind so that you may come into union with your spirit. You are about as far away from being in spirit when you are judging others, than you could possibly be.
3) Take time to appreciate nature. Nature is that which you are. Everything in the universe is made up of information and energy, the plants, the water, the animals, your car. Take time to come in union with nature each day.
We are all energy, the only reason you see things in solid form is because the human senses can not pick up on the speed and the vibration with which energy is moving. This energy is how things exist on the quantum level. If you were able to view things with a quantum eye so to speak, you would see the world as one big soup of energy. The quantum world is the unmanifest, what we see in the physical world is that of the manifest. When you walk into a room, feel it, don’t see it. If you have trouble feeling it, feel your own fingertips and the energy coming off them, and feel that energy connecting with the object and objects in the room.
Posted by iEvolution at 8:52 AM 0 comments Labels: iThought, The secret
Thursday, May 10, 2007
On tomorrows call, we will start to explore the answers, and we will also explore the heartfelt questions that so many of you have sent to me this week. As well as, introducing you to the organization that can help you remove these limiting beliefs. As promised we will follow through on our commitment to helping all of us receive results in our lives.
Submit any last minute questions for the call tomorrow at 9PST/12EST.
Posted by iEvolution at 10:05 AM 4 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Hot Dog or Steak
Submit your questions for this Fridays call at 9PST on 'The Entire Secret' I will be answering some of your questions on the call.
Posted by iEvolution at 2:15 AM 3 comments Labels: The secret
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
An exercise on The Entire Secret
The Meaning of Life is Joy. How each of us goes about finding out what it is that brings us Joy is different, but Joy is the meaning of Life. There's a saying that I like, 'You can’t get wet from the word water.' Water is what it is, not because you call it that. And the same goes for Joy. It doesn’t mater what you call it; you know what it feels like when you’ve found it. My purpose is to help people bring the Magic/Joy back into their lives and to help them believe that they are worthy of it. We all want to experience this joy and the power that comes with it. And the way we experience this joy is by being in alignment with our source, or being connected with god, or being in spirit. Right now, you may be saying, "I want proof", and certainly you can get into the science of it and learn as I have, but the best way is to experience it. The proof that you need to find is that you love your own existence, that you are worthy of you. And, when you reconnect to who you are and start living that life, which is all the proof you will ever need. Each of us has guidance at every moment that lets us know whether or not we are in alignment. Our emotion lets us know and feel whether or not we are experiencing Joy. All Resistance is, is you being out of connection with who you really are. When you are aligned with your highest self, when you are aligned with who you are, you don’t need proof, you just know.
Exercise: Throughout today, if you find yourself experiencing anything other than joy, shift your awareness and pay attention to how you are feeling. If you are feeling frustration, reach for hope. If you are feeling hope, reach for belief. If you are feeling belief, reach for faith. And continue to reach for that place and that emotion that gets you closer to your natural state of joy and full potential.
Posted by iEvolution at 6:31 AM 2 comments Labels: The secret
Monday, May 7, 2007
More on 'The Entire Secret'
Additionally, I would like to encourage all of you to think of one question weighing on your mind that if we were to work together to answer on this Friday's call, would help you move closer to your own personal enlightenment. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION BY REPLYING TO THE iTHOUGHT EMAIL AND WE WILL INCLUDE IT IN THE UPCOMING DISCUSSION ON FRIDAY.
Posted by iEvolution at 9:06 AM 0 comments Labels: The secret
Friday, May 4, 2007
Identify The Burning Desire
A. Connecting with The Seventh plane
1. Going to a place of Peace/ Inviting your full potential self
2. 20-30 min Meditation with instructional guide
3. Going to an instant Meditative State
4. The Six Degrees of Separation
B. Identify and Transform the limiting beliefs
1. Uncover the doubts and fears blocking your burning desire
2. The Ten Step Process to transformation
3. The Video Transformation Guide
4. Work with a limiting belief coach
C. Command your desire
1. Identify the 4 most important specific measurable actions to manifest your dreams
2. Identify the 16 most important specific measurable actions in career/business
3. Master the MVP—(McGrath Visualization Process)
4. Make The Money Shift
D. The Universe Responds
1. Pay Attention/Be Present
2. Journal your Experiences/ Additional questions, thoughts and perspectives
3. The Second Life experience
E. Receive with Gratitude
1. For Granted/For Gratitude exercise—
2. Develop a Gratitude Affirmation:
3. Form an Appreciation Group-Calibrating at levels above 500
Posted by iEvolution at 9:03 AM 0 comments Labels: The secret
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Implementation System
Our Commitment to results is beyond anyone out there and this is why we created iEvolution in the first place, and not only are we committed to everyone’s results, but we are also committed to all of us living more fulfilled lives and that is why we created the ongoing discussion group on "The Entire Secret." You will be excited to hear that we have created an implementation system and a curriculum for "The Entire Secret" course. That’s right, we actually have created an implementation system, around our course work ,that scientifically shows you, that if you implement 90% of your plan, you will get 94% of the result. We will be introducing an overview of this NEW program on this Friday's Conference call. The Creator of the system is the Servant, the Collaboration of the Group is KING! Email us if you would like to participate in any of the upcoming Complimentary iEvolution Calls. We have two this Friday, Back to Back!
Posted by iEvolution at 6:08 AM 2 comments Labels: iEvolution News, The secret
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Personality Test
"When you develop yourself to the point where your belief in yourself is so strong that you know that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, your future will be unlimited."
— Brian Tracy
I would echo Brian's thoughts and add that when we develop ourselves and UNDERSTAND ourselves to where our belief is so strong, our future will be unlimited.
In order to UNDERSTAND ourselves better here is a FREE personality test for all of you to complete. I found the results of this test quite intriguing and there is not a profile that I haven't taken all the way from the KOLBE to the DISC profile. It will ONLY take 7-10 minutes. Take it NOW!
FREE personality assessment: (Great for anyone you know.)
Posted by iEvolution at 6:07 AM 3 comments Labels: Cool stuff
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Be Generative
After spending the last 10 years in the Financial Services business, I've observed that our clients and peers are constantly being bombarded with ideas to improve their financial situation, when we should be providing them with ideas of how to improve all areas of their lives. We spend all this time sending them updates on how the markets are doing, and I suspect that if that's what they were really interested in, they would have gotten into our business for themselves. In fact, the more I interact with people in the Financial Services arena, the more I realize that they're not interested in the markets or statistics either, they're more interested in living an enriching life. If the Sea is the divine life, why take the outlet to the Sea, when we can go directly to the source. We would be presumptuous to believe that our peers and clients still aren't asking that everlasting question, "What am I going to do with my Life?" We're never too old to come up with new answers and inspire new passion in the ones we care for most. Take a few moments and help your peers and clients discover their 'purpose in life' or what the Yogis call 'Dharma.'
Posted by iEvolution at 2:50 AM 1 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret