Tuesday, May 8, 2007

An exercise on The Entire Secret

During Last Friday's call on "The Entire Secret" we started off with a simple Question: What is the meaning of Life?
The Meaning of Life is Joy. How each of us goes about finding out what it is that brings us Joy is different, but Joy is the meaning of Life. There's a saying that I like, 'You can’t get wet from the word water.' Water is what it is, not because you call it that. And the same goes for Joy. It doesn’t mater what you call it; you know what it feels like when you’ve found it. My purpose is to help people bring the Magic/Joy back into their lives and to help them believe that they are worthy of it. We all want to experience this joy and the power that comes with it. And the way we experience this joy is by being in alignment with our source, or being connected with god, or being in spirit. Right now, you may be saying, "I want proof", and certainly you can get into the science of it and learn as I have, but the best way is to experience it. The proof that you need to find is that you love your own existence, that you are worthy of you. And, when you reconnect to who you are and start living that life, which is all the proof you will ever need. Each of us has guidance at every moment that lets us know whether or not we are in alignment. Our emotion lets us know and feel whether or not we are experiencing Joy. All Resistance is, is you being out of connection with who you really are. When you are aligned with your highest self, when you are aligned with who you are, you don’t need proof, you just know.

Exercise: Throughout today, if you find yourself experiencing anything other than joy, shift your awareness and pay attention to how you are feeling. If you are feeling frustration, reach for hope. If you are feeling hope, reach for belief. If you are feeling belief, reach for faith. And continue to reach for that place and that emotion that gets you closer to your natural state of joy and full potential.


Anonymous said...

I must say, I'm overhelmed just by the miracle of life today

Anonymous said...

Responding to someones question on whther Joy is a choice??
There's really no word for Joy. It is just a feeling that we have when we are in alignment with who we truly are. The closer we get to the non physical or the non local, the less words we have to describe it. The truth is we are either moving away from source or moving towards it. Noone is saying that it is easy to go from despair to Joy. In fact it is extremely difficult. But what is possible is to reach one rung up on the ladder for a different emotion that feels better. So, if I am in despair, reaching for anger is better than despair, because at least I am feeling something. If I'm feeling anger, reaching for pessimistic hope is one step closer to Joy. We could spend an entire life trying to live in Joy, Love, Apprciation, whatever you want to call it, but the truth is we fall off the top of the ladder all the time. The trick is to be conscious and aware when we are falling off and to be able to shift our awareness to a better feeling place when we do. The reason we get fear or anger is because our subconscious mind is getting a hold of us. By being a witness to those thoughts and being an observer, we can consciously change our thoughts and change the way we feel. We can choose to let the ego rule our lives or we can choose to believe that we create our own reality and there is scientific evidence with in the Quantum realm that supports this. However, after understanding this, if I still didnt believe it, that may mean that subconsciously I have beliefs that are preventing me from accepting this, and no matter how much I want to believe, because the subconscious rules 85% of our beliefs, it would be very difficult for me to do so. Thats why many people have coaches or healers. I personally have a coach that is able to remove these beliefs instantly because of the work they do as it relates to the Quantum field. And I completely agree with the fact that its not like choosing a hot dog or a steak, becuase there are deeper issues that prevent all of us from believing that. What works for me is working towards resolving that belief. I would never judge whether someone s right or wrong in their behavior. Part of living in joy is having unconditional love and not judging other people. Do we slip and do I slip, all the time. But I am steadfast on my journey to living in this state of joy and this alignement as much as possible. Thanks for all the feedback. I enjoy learning from everyones comments. I'm hoping that we can continue to communicate as peers