Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Day 23 of PURPOSE – Happiness

Do you know what makes you happy? As you stop and ponder this question, you may close your eyes and begin to visualize a new luxury car, a vacation in Paris, a sumptuous meal, or that perfect relationship. However, when you project yourself into the future like this, you're likely to make a predictable set of errors. In his truly fascinating book, Stumbling on Happiness, Daniel Gilbert, professor of psychology at Harvard University discovers that "When we try to predict what will make us happy, we're often wrong. Research all over the world find the same predictable errors, whether the pursuit involves romance, a new car, or a sumptuous meal."

Happiness; therefore, is never as good as we imagine it to be and it never lasts as long as we think it will. But the same also holds true for unhappiness. So what's the secret to a happy life? According to Gilbert, start with the fact that happiness is not a permanent possession. It's a state that you move in and out of. "The fact that you're not always happy is not a problem, so don't look for a solution when there is no problem." he recommends.
Next, develop your own philosophy of happiness. " Look at your own life, and ask what has brought you the most Joy. Most times the answer lies in people, in friends and family. It comes mainly from relationships, not from stuff." He notes.
Finally, look to others who have already made the decisions you face. "Try to honestly figure out how happy they are." How's that for perspective!


Anonymous said...

Happiness, just like love isn't something we need tosearch for, it all lies within us. We just have to peel back all the layers that are preventing us from experiencing happiness. There are obstacles that we have created that are blocking this hapiness and this love. When you change the way ou look at things, the things you look at change. Einstein said something great once and it went something like this,"The most important decision you will ever make in your life, is the decison you make about the kind of universe that you live in." If you decide that you live in a happy universe, guess what will continue to show up and attract into your life, happiness. If you decide you live in a SAD universe, Guess What? I heard Dan Gilbert give a speech on his book at TED Talks and I really enjoyed it. This is just my contribution to his comments.

One more thing I would like to leave everyone with.....this is a quote from a great teacher all the way back to the 3rd century befor christ. Potangeles (spelling?) said "When you are steadfast in your abstention of thoughts of harm directed towards others then all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence."

write your thesis said...

I think it has been argued that happiness at work is the one of the driving forces behind positive outcomes at work, rather than just being a resultant product