Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 40 of PURPOSE – What is the Meaning of Life?

-One of our members just sent me an email attached with a quote by, Ralph Waldo Emerson, "What lies behind us and what lies in front of us....pales in significance when compared to what lies within us." I can't imagiine a day going by where I don't experience the vitality that lies within all of us.

- Or Helen Keller, "Life is a Daring adventure or Nothing at All." Its amazing how the adventure only comes to the one who is open to it.

-And (source unknown), "Our deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond belief." I could not live another day without knowing that this power is my birthright.

-Joy, Freedom, expansion, vitality, exhilaration, adventure. Call it what you want to call it, or just call it LIFE. The meaning of life is that which we give it. And the real meaning comes from the decision we make to give it meaning. The meaning I've given to my life is to help people bring the magic back into their lives and to help them believe that they are worthy of it. I can't imagine something that is more important and that has more meaning to me than this. I came to the decision today that for me there is no such thing as not working. Because if my work leads me to joy, and if joy leads me to my work, than I am the most fortunate person on the planet. Why would I want a day off from being inspired. And its not just professional settings where I can bring magic into others lives, its social settings, and personal settings as well. For me, I've decided, why should work and play be separate. If we are all one in the universe, then I must be one with my work and my life. So, if someone asks me if I'm going to work today, I just assume respond 'I'm going to create magic. Today.' When Earl Campbell said, “Follow your Bliss,” I took him literally. I'm reminded of a meeting we had recently with a personal friend whose grandfather is one of the most successful people in the world. He is 86 now and they said he's starting to cut back on his work; he only comes into the office 6 days a week now instead of 7. Now there is someone who is following his bliss and no one can stand in judgment, not now or forever. After all, what is balance? It's just someone else’s interpretation of the meaning of their life.

Tell us about following your Bliss! It's different for every person.


Anonymous said...

I used to work in the Red ocean. Then I moved onto the Blue ocean. The only ocean that seems to give me any joy at all is the Green Ocean so I am going to stick with that.

Shell Velez said...

Joy is seeing the look on someone's face when you show them they can afford the home they've been dreaming of. The bliss is the win/win when the deal closes.

Anonymous said...

Although I understand how people get caught in the trap, I think it is sad they feel they are obligated to staying in the same spot as a matter of survival. I have said all my life that "if you are not happy at what you are doing in life, whether that be work, play, or relationship. Make a change". But often we feel trapped for the fear of the unknown.

Only one person looks out for us and that is us. But more often then not we limit ourselves with our believes, or worse yet the believes of others, whether valid or not.

I believe we voluntarily enslave ours self's to these things. Only when we come out of the box, and explore that which is thought to be controversial by the majority, do we begin to expand to our full potential.