Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 35 of PURPOSE - Discover 'The Entire Secret'

Have you wondered why you are putting 'The Secret' to work and you are not achieving maximum results? Now, is the time to discover 'The Entire Secret.' Guess where 85% of your thoughts are coming from? The subconscious mind! Guess where your limiting beliefs are stored? The subconscious mind. Guess how much more powerful your subconscious mind is than your conscious mind? 30,000 Times more powerful!! So check this out, the majority of the time you may be articulating through your conscious mind what you desire, but 85% of the time the actions you take are coming from your subconscious mind. And if the actions that you are taking are based upon a belief structure that is limiting, what do you think the end result is going to be? Limiting your full potential. What I have created to maximize your results, is a seven step process to The Law of Attraction." One of the most important steps is identifying your beliefs that are limiting you and then changing those beliefs. There is actually a thorough process that I use to change these limiting beliefs, but the process can change these beliefs instantly. It will blow your mind! On this Friday we will be providing an overview of how this process works.

In the mean time, based on last Friday's call we have created an exercise we call '2nd Life'. On the call, you identified a feeling or quality that you wanted to have as a result of the new inspiring belief you created. Examples of this feeling may be Peace, Passion, Love, Joy, Happiness etc. Your 2nd Life commitment is, "I will live every moment possible this week in a state of (the feeling that you selected). The key to making this feeling a reality is to write about the experiences you are encountering, while implementing your 2nd life commitment. Write about it on the BLOG!


Unknown said...

it's clear that the power of the subconscious governs our lives, without us even knowing. Once I bought into that concept, I started to work hard on being conscious of my subconscious thoughts. There is no doubt that each of us are programmed to handle certain things in certain ways and the moment we take a different path, we start to feel uncomfortable. So today, I decided to do my same workout, only differently. I changed my routine and had an awesome workout in about half the time. I was quickly reminded of an inspiring quote by Shakespeare, that relates to our subconscious - "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." - So go out and do the same thing, only differently.

Unknown said...

My 2nd life committment this week has changed. Originally it was to live with passion, but while removing some of my limiting beliefs over the weekend during one of my sessions, I was reminded of a coursse I took several years ago. During my session over the weekend I saw an image of a lightning bolt which resembled the same image that I created in the course that i took called 'The Highest Goal'. That image and that lightning bolt, reminds me to live with vitality all the time. So, every time I go to the gym or every time I go to make a phone call or every time I meet with someone, i am reminded to have that vitality and energy that can truly transform myself and transform the world. Apparently today, noone else wants to join me, but I have the potential in myself for this task, others will only make it stronger

Shell Velez said...

I drive about an hour or so to get to my office. The way home is generally longer based on the time I choose to drive home. I used to dread the drive. I can't change the fact there is traffic so I need to make a change.

In keeping with my want for being in the state of serenity; I need to change my mindset for drive. I will not focus on the traffic and time confined but on the good things that can be relaxing...listening to motivational CDs; mellow music or relaxing CDs...