CHECK THIS OUT! We have just created a course on business innovation. I don't care if you're an entrepreneur, a corporate executive, a teacher, an assistant, or a student. To reach a certain level of success you have to hear about what successful people and successful companies are doing. My partner, Moe Abdou, will be leading the course. I consider him to be one of the great innovative minds of our time, a leader in his own right, a pioneer, and a visionary. He will uncover and share with you leading edge innovations in the business world and work with you to implement these ideas into your lives, both personally and professionally. The format will be 30 minutes of Moe sharing ideas and 30 minutes of collaboration. Imagine, at the end of this four week course, one hour per week, you will be sharper than 99.9999% of the people you work with and surround yourself with. You'll be approaching your partner, boss, or spouse by saying, 'Have you ever looked at it from this perspective' because that’s what innovators do; they view the world from a different lens. Couple this course on business growth, with our current course on personal growth, and what kind of progress you think you will be making in your life. Amazing Power! All your time spent flipping through magazines for the latest idea, can now be covered in just one hour a week. The course start date isn't set yet. We are currently hosting our Discussion group on 'The Secret' and ‘The Law of Attraction" and will take that into consideration from a time perspective. Respond with you thoughts on our Blog and respond to this email if you think the course is a good idea.
Question: Considering our current Course is on Spirituality and Personal Fulfillment, How do you think Spirituality can have an impact in your professional life and vice versa? BLOG ABOUT IT! Jim Collins Says, 'To have a meaningful life, you must have meaningful work, and to have meaningful work, you must have a meaningful life."
Question: Considering our current Course is on Spirituality and Personal Fulfillment, How do you think Spirituality can have an impact in your professional life and vice versa? BLOG ABOUT IT! Jim Collins Says, 'To have a meaningful life, you must have meaningful work, and to have meaningful work, you must have a meaningful life."
I think you should do both courses at the same time. To have and hour of Moe's time and innovative ideas combined with the Spirituality of the Secret would be a powerful combination. Im in just give me a date and time.
Moe is very inspirational and his course will be very beneficial to all who particpate. What impresses me the most about Moe is that although he knows alot, he is always striving to learn more.
In regards to today's question... spirituality is very important to professional life. Spirituality gives you guidance and helps you make the best decisions. Spirituality also helps you overcome negative things that are out of your control.
Brian and Tucker,
Thanks for the contribution. I just have this feeling that most people are not fulfilled with their professional lives. You have the ego and the spirit. The ego is a good thing at times but the ego is what causes us to become fear based, protecting us from all things that can go wrong. And then eventually we develop a belief that we live with, but its causing us so much pain. But we;d rather live with the pain then change. And soon when we are stagnant for long enough we become paralyzed to the idea of change even though the first law of th universe states that change is all there is: In fact while I am looking at my table right now it is changing, because it is energy and energy is always in a state of perpetual change. You always hear people say, "well, we will just wait for this change to blow over and everything will be te same again, and that is impossible, nothing can ever be the same again. Or people leave the place that they were born and say, I'll be back home in a couple years, when the truth is you can never go back home. The minute you walked out the door, home changed. You can go back to that location, but even that has changed as well. So, change is somethign we must accept, and the way to change is by changing our beliefs or removing them, which is an entirely separate course.
I am very excited to have you lead a conversation every week. You have a unique ability to bring out the best in people, I know personally you have helped me uncover and experience insights in business that has been very beneficial. I am looking forward to the calls. Thank you for your generous gift of time.
I like the idea and I am privelaged to be able to learn from people who I trust and hold to a very high standard. Let me know when it is.
I can always GO for mo' Moe!
I agree with Tucker and all here. This is going to be a great opportunity to learn from a person who is a continuous source of inspiration to me.
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