Monday, April 2, 2007

Day 21 of PURPOSE – A Brand new thought!

"We absolutely love this piece by Cisco. It captures the future of human networks and the essence of iEvolution. Enjoy and please share!"


Anonymous said...

This makes me think about living in a small town. Some people may say "It's great living in a small town, because everybody knows everybody" Someone from that same small town may say "I hate living in a small town, because everybody knows everybody." The technology highlighted in the commercial can be viewed in the same way. With improved technology and communication, the world is getting smaller. The struggle for all of us is to keep this shrinking world from interfering with our relationships. Dr. Rau, said the problem with today's world is that we can never get away from the office. With fax, email, and cell phones, we are always working. Personally, I have tried to take one day a week, Sunday, and close the doors on this shrinking world and focus on what is important, my family.

Unknown said...

I’m sure a lot of us have read Thomas Friedman’s “The world is flat”
We are getting closer and distances are as far as the phone.

It is nice to see each other as fellow citizens of the world rather than individual nationalities.

best custom essay said...

I think Wired News had uncovered a leaked, confidential Cisco powerpoint presentation that details the commercial opportunities of the Golden Shield Project of Internet control