-One of our members just sent me an email attached with a quote by, Ralph Waldo Emerson, "What lies behind us and what lies in front of us....pales in significance when compared to what lies within us." I can't imagiine a day going by where I don't experience the vitality that lies within all of us.
- Or Helen Keller, "Life is a Daring adventure or Nothing at All." Its amazing how the adventure only comes to the one who is open to it.
-And (source unknown), "Our deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond belief." I could not live another day without knowing that this power is my birthright.
-Joy, Freedom, expansion, vitality, exhilaration, adventure. Call it what you want to call it, or just call it LIFE. The meaning of life is that which we give it. And the real meaning comes from the decision we make to give it meaning. The meaning I've given to my life is to help people bring the magic back into their lives and to help them believe that they are worthy of it. I can't imagine something that is more important and that has more meaning to me than this. I came to the decision today that for me there is no such thing as not working. Because if my work leads me to joy, and if joy leads me to my work, than I am the most fortunate person on the planet. Why would I want a day off from being inspired. And its not just professional settings where I can bring magic into others lives, its social settings, and personal settings as well. For me, I've decided, why should work and play be separate. If we are all one in the universe, then I must be one with my work and my life. So, if someone asks me if I'm going to work today, I just assume respond 'I'm going to create magic. Today.' When Earl Campbell said, “Follow your Bliss,” I took him literally. I'm reminded of a meeting we had recently with a personal friend whose grandfather is one of the most successful people in the world. He is 86 now and they said he's starting to cut back on his work; he only comes into the office 6 days a week now instead of 7. Now there is someone who is following his bliss and no one can stand in judgment, not now or forever. After all, what is balance? It's just someone else’s interpretation of the meaning of their life.
Tell us about following your Bliss! It's different for every person.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Day 40 of PURPOSE – What is the Meaning of Life?
Posted by iEvolution at 8:15 AM 3 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Friday, April 27, 2007
Day 39 of PURPOSE – Have Fun!
Fridays are notoriously fun, happy days. So, here is an incentive for you to have an all- time awesome weekend. Check this out.
Posted by iEvolution at 8:30 AM 0 comments Labels: Cool stuff, Purpose driven
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Day 38 of PURPOSE – Just Play
Posted by iEvolution at 8:17 AM 2 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Day 37 of PURPOSE – Turning Points
Decide on your 'live with' and BLOG about it. 23 hrs and 55 minutes of doing and 5 minutes of reflection. That’s all it takes!
Posted by iEvolution at 12:38 AM 8 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Day 36 of PURPOSE - Discover True Power
What is true Power? When is the last time you truly felt that energy within you? A quote that has stuck with me is "The vast majority of men live lives of quiet desperation" What does it feel like to stand out there on the edge and say, nothing is impossible for me! To stare fear in the eye every morning and resolve that greatness will get the best of you. To come face to face with failure, and know that faith will always prevail. Have you gone far enough out there beyond the limitations of your mind to access the infinite wisdom within you? Are you ready to be steadfast on your journey to greatness? I have created seven steps to the Law of Attraction and realizing your true power.
1. Know your burning desire
2. Connect with the seventh plane
3. Identify your limiting beliefs
4. Transform those beliefs
5. Command your desire
6. The Universe Responds
7. Receive with Gratitude
Anything short of these seven steps will not unlock your true power.
Posted by iEvolution at 12:30 AM 1 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Monday, April 23, 2007
Day 35 of PURPOSE - Discover 'The Entire Secret'
In the mean time, based on last Friday's call we have created an exercise we call '2nd Life'. On the call, you identified a feeling or quality that you wanted to have as a result of the new inspiring belief you created. Examples of this feeling may be Peace, Passion, Love, Joy, Happiness etc. Your 2nd Life commitment is, "I will live every moment possible this week in a state of (the feeling that you selected). The key to making this feeling a reality is to write about the experiences you are encountering, while implementing your 2nd life commitment. Write about it on the BLOG!
Posted by iEvolution at 1:34 AM 3 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Friday, April 20, 2007
iMAPP—Discussion on ‘The SECRET’
=>Would you sell your Passion for A Billion Dollars? What’s your BELIEF about this? 22 year old CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is the kid who turned down a billion dollars. “If you sell your company that is the EXIT. That’s just not how we THINK about it.”
- Make a list of all the ‘limiting beliefs’ you have in your life (ex. I’m not good enough, I can’t do that, I never win, only rich people are happy)
- Make a list of all the ‘inspiring beliefs’ you want to have in your life. (I am happy, I am the ideal person, I am attractive, I love my work)
- Circle one from each List. One you want to get rid of and one you want to keep
- When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
Posted by iEvolution at 2:35 AM 3 comments Labels: The secret
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Check this out- Course on Business Innovation
Question: Considering our current Course is on Spirituality and Personal Fulfillment, How do you think Spirituality can have an impact in your professional life and vice versa? BLOG ABOUT IT! Jim Collins Says, 'To have a meaningful life, you must have meaningful work, and to have meaningful work, you must have a meaningful life."
Posted by iEvolution at 12:47 AM 7 comments Labels: iEvolution News
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Day 33 of PURPOSE – Discover yourself
Oprah recently shared her Daily prayer with the world, therefore we thought we would share a meditation process that can help bring more and more joy to everyone’s life. On our blog recently, a group of us have been talking about implementing a powerful meditation process in our lives, so here is one that I have found to be invaluable:
Imagine energy coming up though the bottom of your feet from the center of the earth and going up out of the top of your head as a beautiful ball of light. You are in this ball of light. Take time to notice what color it is. Now imagine going up above the universe. Now imagine going into the light above the universe, it is a big beautiful light. Imagine going up through the light and you will see another bright light, and another, and another, in fact there are many bright lights. Keep going. Between the lights is a little bit of dark light, but this is just a layer before the next light, so keep going. Finally there is a great big bright light. Go through it. When you go through it, you're going to see an energy, a jell-o-like substance, that has all the colors of the rainbow in it. When you go into it, you see that it changes colors. This is the Laws. You will see all kinds of shapes and colors. In the distance there is a white iridescent light; it is a hit-blue color like a pearl. Head for that light. Avoid the Deep blue, light because this is the law of magnetism. As you get closer, you may see a mist of pink color. Keep going until you see it. This is the Law of Compassion and it will push you into the special place. You will see that the pearlescent light is the shape of the rectangle, like a window. This window is really the opening to the Seventh plane. Now go through it. Go deep within it. See a deep whitish glow go through your body. Feel it, it feels light, but it has essence. You can feel it going through you; its as if you can no longer feel the separation between your own body and energy. You become "All That Is". Don't worry. Your Body will not disappear. It will become perfect and healthy. Remember there is just energy here, not people or things. So if you see people, go higher. It is from this place, that the "Creator of all that Is" can do healings that will heal instantly and that you can create in all aspects of your life.
After you go through this process you will feel that feeling of CONNECTEDNESS that you have been searching for. Join the conversation on the BLOG.
Posted by iEvolution at 12:40 AM 10 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Day 32 of PURPOSE – Core Beliefs
Posted by iEvolution at 2:10 AM 7 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Monday, April 16, 2007
Day 31 of PURPOSE – What do you want?
Posted by iEvolution at 10:55 AM 12 comments Labels: Purpose driven, The secret
Friday, April 13, 2007
Day 30 of PURPOSE – Identity Crisis
Think of your heros; why were you drawn to them? Was it their job description or the difference they made in the world. When Bill Gates said that he would put a computer on every desk, he didn't simply create software; he changed the very nature of work. When Pierre Omidyar created E-bay, he didn't create an online person-to- person trading community; he created an entirely new marketplace, then added a bank, Paypal. Then a communication device, Skype. Today, E-bay has 180 million registered users, growing at 35% a year.
So what ideas are you fighting for? What’s your BIG purpose that will make the world a better place? Think about it and the next time someone asks you what you do - Answer why you do it instead. Happy weekend!
Posted by iEvolution at 12:13 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Day 29 of PURPOSE – Preserve The Core
"The most enduring and successful corporations distinguish their timeless core values and enduring core purpose {which should never change} - from their operating practices and business strategies {which should be changing constantly in response to a changing world}. In truly great companies, change is a constant, but not the only constant. They understand the difference between what should never change and what should be open for change, between what is truly sacred and what is not. And by being clear about what should never change, they are better able to stimulate and progress in everything else."
Do you know what is core, and what is not?
Posted by iEvolution at 1:16 AM 4 comments Labels: Purpose driven
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Day 28 of PURPOSE – Straight from the Heart
Posted by iEvolution at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Day 27 of PURPOSE – Never lose Faith!
The defining moment in the movie came when the coach challenged his players to discuss 'The purpose of the team.' As expected, most felt that winning football games was the team's top priority; yet the coach challenged them to dig deeper. "It's not about You", he remarked, "You're playing for God." Thinking about our quest for purpose, I started to ponder the incredible power behind that statement - our day 1 of purpose. What would happen if each of us really shifted our perspective. How far can we go if we stopped thinking about closing that sale, and we started focusing on those we truly serve. Might our results change?
Posted by iEvolution at 3:57 AM 4 comments Labels: Purpose driven
Monday, April 9, 2007
Day 26 of PURPOSE –Change the world!
Each year TED honors three individuals who have shown that they can, in some way, positively impact life on the planet. The TED Prize, grants these individuals with one WISH to change the world. The winners may wish for anything and the TED community works together to make their wish come true. This year, former President Bill Clinton was one of the winners and courtesy of TED, here is the unedited version of his inspiring WISH. Please give a listen and share by clicking on the email link below.
Posted by iEvolution at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 6, 2007
Day 25 of PURPOSE – Room to Read
At the school, John came face to face with the harsh reality confronting millions of Nepalese children - very little resources; no opportunities to learn and most importantly, no books to read. As John left the village that day, the school headmaster made a simple request: "perhaps, sir, you will some day come back with books." His request inspired John to return home and begin an email campaign to friends and family asking for help in collecting books. Within 2 month, 3,000 books arrived. John returned to Nepal to deliver the books and made the decision to leave his executive position at Microsoft in order to devote himself to starting a new non-profit with a belief that "World Change Starts Educated Children." Room to Read has been a winner of Fast Company's Social Capitalists Award every year since The magazine and The Monitor Group began the Awards in 2004. I invite each of you to scan the Room to Read web site to get a glimpse of how one's person living his purpose, can change the world. Happy weekend.
Posted by iEvolution at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Day 24 of PURPOSE – Oprah's Prayer
Dear God,
I give this day to you.
May my mind stay centered on the things of spirit.
May I not be tempted to stray from love.
As I begin this day, I open to receive You.
Please enter where you already abide.
May my mind and heart be pure and true, and may I not deviate from the things of goodness.
May I see the love and innocence in all mankind, behind the masks we all wear and the illusions of this worldly plan.
I surrender to You my doings this day.
I ask only that they serve You and the healing of the world.
May I bring Your love and goodness with me, to give unto others wherever I go.
Make me the person You would have me to be.
Direct my footsteps, and show me what You world have me do.
Make the world a more safer, more beautiful place.
Bless all your creatures.
Heal us all, and use me, dear Lord, that I might know the joy of being used by You.
Posted by iEvolution at 1:48 AM 14 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Day 23 of PURPOSE – Happiness
Happiness; therefore, is never as good as we imagine it to be and it never lasts as long as we think it will. But the same also holds true for unhappiness. So what's the secret to a happy life? According to Gilbert, start with the fact that happiness is not a permanent possession. It's a state that you move in and out of. "The fact that you're not always happy is not a problem, so don't look for a solution when there is no problem." he recommends.
Finally, look to others who have already made the decisions you face. "Try to honestly figure out how happy they are." How's that for perspective!
Posted by iEvolution at 1:34 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Day 22 of PURPOSE – use your ‘story’
In the winter of 1961, 7 year-old Howard Schultz, founder and Chairman of Starbucks, was throwing snowballs with friends outside his family's apartment building in the federally subsidized Bayview Housing Projects in Brooklyn. "Howard, come inside," his mother yelled down from their 7th floor apartment. "Dad had an accident." What followed would shape him for the rest of his life. He found his father in a full-leg cast, after falling on a sheet of ice and breaking his ankle. As a result, he lost his job-and the family's medical benefits. Schultz's mother couldn't go to work because she was 7 month pregnant.
"I was surrounded by people who were working hand-to-mouth trying to pay the bills, who felt like there was no hope and they just couldn't get a break. That's something that never leaves you-never." His past influenced his whole approach to shaping, and leading a company. "I wanted to build the kind of company my father never had a chance to work for." Today, Starbucks employs 145,000 people, all of whom earn more than minimum wage, receive stock options, and get health-care benefits. Can you look back to one particular incident that inspires change?
Posted by iEvolution at 12:59 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 2, 2007
Day 21 of PURPOSE – A Brand new thought!
"We absolutely love this piece by Cisco. It captures the future of human networks and the essence of iEvolution. Enjoy and please share!"
Posted by iEvolution at 1:36 AM 3 comments